
Este blog ha sido creado para que los hispano parlantes que quieren enterarse o hacer algo con respecto a la ola de terrorismo y amenazas de conquista de los Musulmanes puedan tener acceso a información y enterarse de cómo pueden ayudar a aportar para que esto no se haga realidad.
Muchos Hispanos estamos horas en el Internet y podemos usar 10 ó 15 minutos para hacer algo por nuestro futuro y el de nuestra familia, para no quedar viviendo como salvajes sometidos a una religión intolerante con leyes barbarias.
Entérate de lo que pasa y ayuda enviando tu firma para detener programas, becas, cortes y todo lo que de pie a que la ley Sharia sea establecida en Estados Unidos y también en el resto del mundo.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Los Musulmanes y su Conquista

Nada nuevo, pero si algo de que preocuparse, ya que esta ha sido la única manera en que el Islam se ha esparcido en Europa, a traves del terror, así se inicio y no ha cambiado.  Debemos dejar de jugar jueguitos y ver lo que esta pasando; la hora de actuar es ahora.  Los gobiernos deben tomar estas amenazas por lo que son, amenazas, y restringir la entrada de musulmanes a nuestros países, no en base a racismo sino en base a sus amenazas.  Es lo mas lógico, pero los Comunistas empiezan campañas de ataque contra cualquier tipo de defensa que presenten los países (convenciendo y distrayendo a los desinformados) porque a ellos también les atrae la idea de conquista.  Actualmente estan trabajando juntos para conquistar América (Latina y Norte).  Escríbele a tu gobierno para que empieze a ponerles restricciones antes de que sea demasiado tarde.

Estos siempre basan su defensa en "discriminación religiosa", pero el Islam es la única religión que esta ligada a la política y hasta el dia que no la desliguen deben ser restringidos pues su religión incita a la conquista de los pueblos por medio de la fuerza, y esa fuerza incluye tortura y matanza.  Ellos también dicen que no estan en contra de la gente y que estan contra las naciones solamente, pero obviamente las naciones son regidas por gentes civiles y por otro lado, la historia nos deja ver la incontable cantidad de civiles que han matado con sus ataques.  Pero su libro Koran, les dice que tienen licencia para mentir con tal de que cumplan los resultados de conquista.  Asi no hay manera de creerles nada de lo que digan cuando su propio dios les dice que mientan o sea que pequen.  Esta es una sola muestra mas de que el dios de los Musulmanes no es el mismo Dios de los Cristianos quien dice en su Palabra: "No daras falso testimonio", o sea no mentiras.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

La blasfemia del osito de Peluche - The Blasphemy of the Little Teddy Bear

British primary school teacher Gillian Gibbons has been arrested in Sudan, accused of insulting Islam's Prophet by letting her class of 7-year-olds name a teddy bear Mohammed. 

It probably seemed like the most innocent of ideas to the newly arrived teacher from England, still settling into life in the Sudanese capital Khartoum. She asked her class of six- and seven-year-olds to dress up and name a teddy bear, and keep a diary of his outings. She hoped it would provide material for projects for the rest of the year. And it might have, except for the name the children chose for their bear: Muhammad.
Now Gillian Gibbons, 54, is spending her second night in a Sudanese prison, accused of insulting Islam's Prophet. She faces a public lashing or up to six months in prison if found guilty on charges of blasphemy. And Unity High School — one of a number of exclusive British-run schools in the Sudanese capital — has been closed as staff fear reprisals from Islamic extremists. Robert Boulos, the school's director, said the incident had been blown out of all proportion, but added that the school would remain closed until January to let ill feelings blow over.
"This was a completely innocent mistake," he said in an office decorated with sepia photographs dating back to the school's colonial heyday. "Miss Gibbons would have never wanted to insult Islam."
Police raided the school, where Gibbons also lives, on Sunday.
"We tried to reason with them but we felt they were coming under strong pressure from Islamic courts," said Boulos. "There were men with big beards asking where she was and saying they wanted to kill her."
A similar angry crowd had gathered by the time she arrived at the Khartoum police station where she is being held.
Unity, founded early in the last century, is one of several British schools run along Christian lines in an overwhelmingly Muslim country. Its high brick walls shut out the dust of everyday Sudanese life, transporting the visitor into the shady courtyard of an Oxbridge college or English private school. Many of its pupils come from well-to-do Sudanese families keen for their children to get the best education that money can buy. But Sudan is ruled by religious conservatives. Sharia law was introduced in 1991; alcohol is banned and women must wear headscarves. Convicted criminals are routinely flogged or executed.
The bizarre turn of events that led to the teacher's arrest began in September, soon after she arrived in the country, according to colleagues who have rallied in her support. Her young class was due to study the behavior and habitat of bears, so she suggested that pupils bring in a teddy bear to serve as a case study. A seven-year-old girl brought in her favorite cuddly toy and the rest of the class was invited to name him. After considering the names Hassan and Abdullah, they voted overwhelmingly in favor of Muhammad — the first name of the most popular boy in the class.
"No parents or teachers complained because they knew she had no bad intention," said Boulos. Until last week. Parents from another class raised concerns with the school. Then Sudan's feared police came calling at the weekend. Gibbons' colleagues said they feared a disgruntled member of staff may be using the issue to cause trouble.
Bishop Ezikiel Kondo, chairman of the school council, said: "The thing may be very simple, but they just may make it bigger. It's a kind of blackmail." Khartoum has exploded with anger at accusations of blasphemy in the past. Last year angry demonstrators denounced cartoons of the Prophet that appeared in Danish newspapers. And there have been protests at the actions of Zoe's Ark, a French charity accused of trying to smuggle children out of neighboring Chad.
Now everyone is waiting to see whether religious leaders or politicians will take their supporters onto the streets this time. Most parents arriving at the school gates were supportive of the British teacher. One mother, whose seven-year-old son was in Gibbons' class, said her family had not been offended by the name. "Our Prophet Muhammad tells us to be forgiving," she said. "So she should be released. She didn't mean any of this at all."


My comments: what a bunch of idiots, they solve all their differences killing people, could use their brains every now and then, not only to plan evil doings.
Mis comentarios: Que bola de idiotas, todas sus diferencias las resuelven matando, podrian usar un poco de cerebro de vez en cuando, no solo para hacer maldades.

La Amenaza Iraní


No veil at citizenship oath in Canada! Yes!

  • Canada bans veils at citizenship oath ceremony

    Woman wearing niqab 8 December 2011 
    Canada's government has introduced a ban on the wearing of veils while swearing the oath of citizenship.
    Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Jason Kenney told a news conference in Montreal anyone wanting to become a Canadian would have to show their face.
    He said citizenship judges and MPs had complained it could be hard to tell if veiled applicants were actually reciting the oath.
    An estimated 940,000 Muslims live in Canada, about 2.8% of the population.
    Veils and face coverings are already banned in Quebec for people receiving some government services.
    Canada is considering a wider ban on veils in government offices, schools and hospitals.

    Canada's Immigration Minister Jason Kenney
    You should be willing to show yourself in that public act of witness”
    End Quote Jason Kenney Minister of Citizenship
    Mr Kenney dismissed the idea that the ban could infringe the religious freedom of those taking the oath.
    "This is not simply a practical measure," the Conservative minister said on Monday.
    "It is a matter of deep principle that goes to the heart of our identity and our values of openness and equality."
    He added that Canadian law took priority over religious doctrine.
    "In my view Canadian law takes precedence," he said.
    "This is a public act of witness in front of your fellow citizens, in front of the law and you should be willing to show yourself in that public act of witness. I think it's very straightforward."
    Mr Kenney also announced further language requirements for new immigrants.
    Some European countries are also debating the issue. France and Belgium have introduced a ban on wearing the full Islamic veil in public.

    Resource:  BBC NEWS

Monday, November 28, 2011

Envia un correo para que eliminen este programa

 Aqui hay algo en lo que usted puede cooperar:

El canal TLC empezo un programa que se llama "Musulmanes Americanos" supuestamente con la intención de que las personas conozcan la vida de estas familias en America.  Resulta absurdo que ellos, siendo tan reservados y no queriendose mezclar con el resto de la sociedad, ahora accedan a que sus vidas sean televisadas, por lo que llegamos a la conclusión al igual que lo ha hecho la organizacion para la Act For America y la Asociación de la Familia de Florida de que simplemente es propaganda para suavizar la manera en que el público los acoge.  Sin embargo, a pesar de que el canal dice que solo quieren que vean como son sus vidas, este programa desorienta al vidente no enseñando que muchos de estos tienen una agenda de incorporar la ley Sharia en el pais y eliminar todas las tradiciones y costumbres americanas, ademas de que hay muchos que apoyan el terrorismo con sus negocios.

La Asociación de la Familia de la Florida contactó a muchas de las compañias que tenian comerciales para la hora en que se presenta el programa y les aviso de lo que en realidad es la situación con este tipo de propaganda y tengo que decir con mucha alegria que muchos removieron sus comerciales para no apoyar este programa, entre ellos:  Airborne Vitamin, Amway, Diamond Foods, Dyson Vacuum, Estee Lauder, HTC Phones, Home Depot, McDonald's, Petsmart, Pfizer, Sears, Sonic, T-Mobil and Wal-Mart.

Existe la oportunidad para cooperar, puede ir al siguiente enlace Departamento de Relacion con los videntes y siga el cuestionario para solicitar que remuevan dicho programa que atenta contra la paz y el bienestar de este país.

Usted puede poner algo similar a esto en el cuerpo del correo:

TLC's new show 'All-American Muslim' is propaganda clearly designed to counter legitimate and present-day concerns about many Muslims who are advancing Islamic fundamentalism and Shariah law. The show profiles only Muslims that appear to be ordinary folks while excluding many Islamic believers whose agenda poses a clear and present danger to liberties and traditional values that the majority of Americans cherish and who cooperate secretly with terrorism, which is a "today" issue.  Please remove this misleading show from your channel.

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